Sunday, April 30, 2023

Human Resource Practices in the Banking Sectors


Human resource management is the practice of supporting and managing employees through every aspect of their jobs, from recruitment and hiring to professional development and retirement benefits. HR specialists have avarity of day-to-day activites associated with the areas they work on and oversee. In all that they do, HR professionals must have strong interpersonal skills, since they are in charge of working directly with employees and managers. Human resource employees must also have great organizational skills, as they often juggle multiple duties at once. In addition, they need to clearly understand their organization’s values to be able to effectively advance them. (whatishumanresource, 2023)

The Importance of Human Resource Practices

The role of HRM practices is to manage the people within a workplace to achieve the organization's mission and reinforce the culture. When done effectively, HR managers can help recruit new professionals who have skills necessary to further the company's goals as well as aid with the training and development of current employees to meet objectives.

A company is only as good as its employees, making HRM a crucial part of maintaining or improving the health of the business. Additionally, HR managers can monitor the state of the job market to help the organization stay competitive. This could include making sure compensation and benefits are fair, events are planned to keep employees from burning out and job roles are adapted based on the market. (Techtarget, 2023)

Banks,   in   the   service   industry,   delivers   its service   across   the   counter   to   the   ultimate customer. The activities of banking industry are all about “relationship”. Hence, banking industry has to provide better services with a smile to the customers in order to cultivate and maintain long lasting   relationship   with   their   customers. Notwithstanding   the   level   of   technology, banking is primarily a   labor   intensive service sector. Hence it will not be possible for the banks to   sustain   effectiveness   unless   human   resource management is given prime importance because the technology is only an aid to human effort and not a substitution thereof. If the technology is the equalizer,   then   the human capital shall be the differential in future. (Srinivasan.P.T, 2009)

The   Human   Resources   are   the   most important element   for   the   progress of   banking.   Though technology can replace manual intervention, the thinking process   is   the   exclusive preserve   of human   beings.   With   changing   times   and technology, banks would require employees with special skills in   the   areas of risk management, treasury,   product   development,   customer relationship   management   and IT services.  The technology   can improve   speed and quality   of performance,   but   at   the   same   time   it   can   also unleash the risk factor. It is rightly said: “We are trying to apply third generation ideas on second generation organizations which are unfortunately run   by   first   generation   managers”. (Srinivasan.P.T, 2009)

Based on NDB bank HR processes are governed by a comprehensive suite of policies and standards which ensure the equitable treatment of all employees. The policies in place cover aspects such as recruitment, training and development, performance management, compensation and benefits, industrial relations, occupational health and safety and administration matters. HR practices extend beyond the legal requirements to embrace industry best practice. Employees are also governed by a Code of Conduct which outlines the professional and ethical conduct that is expected of employees including general conduct, competence, confidentiality, handling of material information and conflicts of interest among others. (ndbbank, 2017)

Benefits of Human Resource Management

Human Resource Management (HRM) helps in estimating the right number of people required for carrying out the necessary activities of an organization. It analyses different work positions within a business for identifying the skill sets needed for such positions. Proper information regarding job designations helps in acquiring the right peoples.

It enables business in hiring skilled and qualified workforce by creating a large pool of competent peoples. Human Resource Management conducts whole recruitment process of an organization in accordance with the requirements of job positions.

Human Resource Management plays an efficient role in retaining skilled employees for a longer term within an organization. It monitors working environment provided to workers and ensures that they get hygienic working place, better remuneration, extra benefits and facilities. This leads to long term associations of workers with organization. 

Human Resource Management influences the overall productivity and profitability of a business organization. It is the one which monitors the allocation of all resources and ensures that they are full utilized with minimum wastage. Human Resource Management matches right person with right job which improves the effectiveness of an organization.

Motivation of employees towards their roles is must for achieving the desired goals and objectives. Human Resource Management motivates workforce by rewarding them as per their performance and providing welfare facilities. It examines their output level for deciding their incentives which boost the overall morale of workers.

HRM focuses on establishing good relations among management and labors for ensuring continuity of business. It provides fair remunerations to workers and take cares of all their necessities. Human Resource Management builds up better coordination in between employer and employees by considering their ideas and suggestions in policy making. (commercemates, 2023)


(2023). Retrieved 04 20, 2023, from whatishumanresource:

commercemates. (2023). Retrieved 04 22, 2023, from

ndbbank. (2017). Retrieved 04 22, 2023, from ndbbank:,conflicts%20of%20interest%20among%20others.

Srinivasan.P.T. (2009). Researchgate. Retrieved 04 22, 2023, from Researchgate:

Techtarget. (2023). Techtarget. Retrieved 04 21, 2023, from Techtarget:

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