Sunday, April 30, 2023

Gender Equality in the Banking Sectors


Gender equality is when people of all genders have equal rights, responsibilities and opportunities. Everyone is affected by gender inequality - women, men, Trans and gender diverse people, children and families. It impacts people of all ages and backgrounds. (, 2023)

Based in Sri Lanka out of the 8.5 million economically active population, 72% are males and only 35% are females. Women constitute 52% of Sri Lanka’s population, but female representation in parliament is only 5.3%. The labor force participation of women as of 2021 is 33.6% of the total population.  (, 2023)

Based on the Hofstede’s Cultural Dimensions Theory, The masculinity vs. femininity dimension is also referred to as “tough vs. tender” and considers the preference of society for achievement, attitude toward sexuality equality, behaviour, etc.

  • ·         Masculinity comes with the following characteristics: distinct gender roles, assertive, and concentrated on material achievements and wealth-building.
  • ·         Femininity comes with the following characteristics: fluid gender roles, modest, nurturing, and concerned with the quality of life. (corporatefinanceinstitute, 2015)

The NDB Bank is an equal opportunity employer and does not practice any form of gender-based discrimination in recruitment, promotions and/or when determining remuneration. The overall female representation rate amounts to 39%, while female employees form over 30% of the senior management group and of the managerial and supervisory categories. The Leadership Team comprises 7 female members. In 2017, 47 employees took maternity leave while 97.8% of them returned to work upon completion of their leave, demonstrating the Bank’s commitment towards retaining females through flexible working arrangements that foster better work life balance. (ndbbank, 2017)


corporatefinanceinstitute. (2015). Retrieved 04 20, 2023, from

ndbbank. (2017). Retrieved 04 24, 2023, from,conflicts%20of%20interest%20among%20others. (2023). Retrieved 04 21, 2023, from,to%20suffer%20discrimination%20and%20violence. (2023). Retrieved 04 26, 2023, from



  1. It is encouraging to see that NDB Bank is committed to promoting gender equality in their workplace by providing equal opportunities to all employees regardless of their gender. Their efforts to increase female representation in senior management and supervisory categories are noteworthy. It is also commendable that they offer flexible working arrangements to support the work-life balance of their female employees, as this can help to retain more women in the workforce.

    However, it is also important to note that the overall female representation rate of 39% at NDB Bank is still below the female population percentage of 52% in Sri Lanka. This suggests that there may still be room for improvement in terms of increasing female participation and representation in the banking sector.

    Furthermore, while NDB Bank's efforts are commendable, it would be useful to know if they have any specific initiatives or policies in place to address any potential gender biases in their recruitment and promotion processes, and whether they regularly review and monitor these policies to ensure they are effective in promoting gender equality.

  2. This article provides the Gender Equality in the Banking Sectors. However Gender equality is not only a fundamental human right, but a necessary foundation for a peaceful, prosperous and sustainable world. Moreover gender equality in the workplace means equal treatment and access of employees regardless of gender to recruitment, promotion and training activities along with mentoring and decision-making bodies. Therefore author need to do in-depth analysing.


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